London’s Lavender Field in Mayfield.

Curious Pavel
3 min readJul 19, 2017


I haven't heard anybody calling this place “Paradise Field”. Just came to my mind and if you pay a visit, you will understand why. It's kind a catchy as well so feel free to use it ;)

Reading about “paying a visit”, you are probably thinking “Surely they charge for this visit”. Well, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is - yes, they charge. The good news is - the charge is only £1. YES! There is no mistake here. One pound to get into Paradise. Now that you have started to consider going there, lets get into more details...

How can I get there?

You are going to have 2 options here:

Public Transport: Quite easy... Get to London Bridge and hop on the train to Tottenham Corner, go down at Woodmansterne, look for stop B, take bus 166 to Merrymeet and after a 10 minute walk you will find yourself in front of the farm. The whole travel experience will take you roughly 1:15 h. There are other locations from where you can head to the field like a train from Victoria coach station but you need to change more transports and it takes longer. I believe London Bridge is the best option.

By Car: Renting a car in a big city like London is not considered as a good option. There is a congestion charge for the central area which means you have to pay every time you go through it. Not to mention all the traffic you are going to bump into and also chances are you are driving on the other side and not on the one you are used to. HOWEVER, renting a car can be a good idea if you want to head to Mayfield. You also might be a local and still not to know about this place... So if you choose this option, you are going to have a nice road trip for about an hour before you find yourself in the free parking area of the farm.

What can I see there?

Except the lavender you mean? The field is 25 acre which is a bit more than 100k square meters, which is quite a lot. You also have a Tractor Ride around the field for £2 and few places in the middle of the field where you can sit on a bench, under a shadow. There's a shop that offers not just lavender but lotions, creams, soaps, cookies and lemonade, all made out of the flowers or the oils. There's also a caravan that offers lavender ice cream, burgers and hot dogs. The last two have nothing to do with the lavender! ;)

When is the best time to visit?

The farm is open from June till middle/end of September but the best time will be July and August since the flowers are blooming in that period. Information about times, dates and more can be found on their website.


